You need a canvas-enabled browser, such as Google Chrome.
Above are two views of the cross section of a cylindrical spaceship that is spinning to simulate gravity for those within. Inside, there is no air and a single jumping dot.
On the left is a rotating reference frame (it's from the viewpoint of someone who is stationary relative to the cylinder.) On the right is an inertial reference frame (it's from the viewpoint of someone who is not accelerating -- perhaps someone outside of the cylinder.)
trail erase speed:
angular velocity of cylindar:
Use the arrow keys to adjust the impulse vector, or just input values on the right. Press space bar to apply the impulse. Use Google Chrome for best results. Once you think you've gotten the hang of how the dot moves, try playing Centrifuge Volleyball! More cool stuff: impulse magnitude:
impulse angle (rad, 0 = toward cylinder's center):